Ken Burgess

Certified Instructor

Ken Burgess began his martial art training at the age of thirteen with the study of Okinawan Karate. After fifteen years, he attained the rank of fifth degree Black Belt (Renshi).

To deepen his study, and understand the root of Eastern martial arts, he began a fifteen year practice in Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu under his teacher, Sifu Pedro Cepero Yee.

It is at this time, he also began to explore the internal aspects of the martial arts by learning Energy Work (Chi Kung) and Tai Chi Chuan

In 2002, he became a member of the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association under the direction of Master Yang Jun, and to fulfill his desire to share and spread the therapeutic benefits of Tai Chi, he became a Certified Instructor under his teacher, Holly Sweeney.

He is also a Buddhist and student of Zen Meditation in the Mountains and Rivers Order.
