Philippe Denis

Academy Instructor

After 5 years Aikido practice, Philippe began learning Tai Chi Chuan in 1983 with Mrs Charlin and Mister James Kou (President of French Union of Tai Chi Chuan).
In 1993, he attended his first seminar with Master Yang Zhenduo.

One year later, he created a non profit association and began delivering Tai Chi Chuan courses. Since, he has attended many association seminars and visited China many times.

Philippe is attached to Yang Chengfu Center Paris since 2003, and he wishes to contribute to development of the Center and to promotion of traditional Yang Style Taichichuan.

In 2001 with story-teller and tai chi player friends, he staged “the king monkey”, based on the classic “journey to the west”. He gave tens of plays, including in Paris downtown. The play aimed at presenting Tai Chi spirit to the general public.

He has also achieved the translation of the classic text “Dao De Jing” from Laozi, with his friend Gilbert George Coudret, The translation, which emphasizes a poetic aspect, was published in “Conference” literature review, and some excerpts have been presented during a poetry radio broadcasting (“France Culture”).

Philippe is currently an engineer in a Professional Electronic Venture Technical Direction.

24. rue Labbe
94600 Choisv-le-Roi, France
